Set in the world of Tellus where magical energy runs through the Lands, humans have been trying to extract such energy ever since the start of time to no avail. Eventually, Spirits manifested in the world to help humans utilize the magical energy for their daily life. These Spirits claim to be the will of the Lands itself. They selected a few humans of their liking to manage the magical energy hidden beneath their world, blessing them with their power. In the end, the selected humans used their newfound blessing to rise to power, inciting hierarchy and starting war between civilizations. And only after too many blood had spilled, the Spirits brought a Calamity to subdue the destruction caused by mankind...
Now, the world is under a Cold Peace as humans try to regain balance in their Lands.
A boy wakes up with no recollection and a family. Bearing the crest of a deity, he grows up learning how to help others with the deity’s blessing.
<aside> 📣 Literature have genres listed inside — please read them. I tag them into fluff, angst and no tags. No tags simply mean it is a general fic that may or may not be important to the story timeline (may contain angst that isn’t tagged because it was not written for angst). Implications of sex are tagged R17.